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There is one misguided notion that if someone is not receiving large sums of money, that they would not have motivation to maintain a lie that is spread to the masses. Money can cause this, but there are other factors.

Remember Christine Blasey-Ford? Many people pointed out her book deal as a motivation for her bullshit rape accusation against Kavanaugh, but there is something else that is a stronger motivation: national attention as a "hero" who was "brave" in telling her story.

"Hurr, hurr, you are not a horse! Don't take ivermectin!"

"Oh, we did not MANDATE people not take it, we just recommended not to! Please don't sue us! Also, the vaxx is still totally safe and effective! Make sure to get your booster!"

Fuck you FDA. Fuck you.

Yes, the state's monopoly on legalized violence is a major issue, and it is a real concern with the Cathedral looking to enslave us. So I will offer another example of punishment without the state. If a good portion of the population is armed, they can deal with the punishment more personally. A thief will understand that being shot is a real risk for his actions, even if he realizes it far too late. He will not later on reason that his stealing was wrong, so harsh punishment it is.

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When it comes to punishments for crime, the same approach is necessary. Do you think the vast majority of thieves, robbers, murderers, or other criminals of these types have high intellectual capacity? I would say no. Therefore, punishment must cater to this level of intellect, because a prison sentence or in the most extreme cases, the death penalty, is the only thing these criminals will be able to grasp.

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When it comes to Stefan Molyneux's philosophy that you should never spank your kids, he does have a blindspot: some people are simply incapable of having any morality past "if I do X I will get punished." Stefan may have been able to discipline his own daughter without spanking, but not all people are going to ever reach the intellect of being reasoned with. Punishment is the only thing they understand.

Watching @Tfmonkey debate Destiny, and it reminded me of these Smuggies.

"No, you need to have a STUDY that concludes the exact information you claim is true! Using data you compiled and making logical inferences is not allowed!"

@neatchee @jun @hakui After being censored and banned from everywhere by faggots like you we the "conspiracy theorists" have slowly been proven right on everything we said.

"There's no virus in china, banned"
"Ok fine, but its not a leak from the wuhan lab, banned"
"Ok fine, but theres no proof of animal to human transmission, banned"
"Ok fine, but theres no reason to use masks, banned"
"Ok fine, but its not dangerous in any way, banned"
"Ok actually its extremely dangerous and everything needs to shut down for years and you need to be forced to wear a mask and take totally safe experimental gene therapy to keep your job and if you disagree in any way you're banned"
"Ok actually theres no difference between vaxxed and unvaxxed"
"Ok we're investigating health problems from the vax"

There is no vax, there was only ever experimental poison.
A gene altering present from the elite.
Every day this becomes more apparent yet you continue to force sickness and death and imprisonment on everyone around you including little children.
You, who worships governments and corporations, I hope you lie in bed with myocarditis consumed by guilt though I doubt you even have a conscience.
I hope you're haunted every night from the thought of all the children who won't have a normal life because of you, whether its health issues from the vax, or permanent psychological damage from not seeing faces while growing up due to your mask mandates and lockdowns. And if that doesn't jerk you awake every night I hope your bells pallsy will.
I'd tell you to go die of a blood clot but that'd be too good for you.
At the very least I wish you a sturdy rope and a speedy suicide like the tranny you are.
If all else false, i have a feeling you'll be facing a wall some day.
Abayo retard

@Tfmonkey I know the daylight savings time change has happened now, but can you guess which president championed it? You only need one guess, because it is the very president who you already think is the worst. Just another thing to add to the lists of reasons he was terrible.

If the election in 2022 was stolen to any extent (pretty much yes), I will say it is far less obvious and overt compared to 2020. The usual suspects of Nevada, Arizona, Pennsylvania, Georgia, should be looked at critically, but even if the swing state races all went Republican, there still would not be enough to actually change things for the better. And it is not as if the Republicans are going to save this country.

And taking the House by a tiny majority is at best going to stall things.

After fake tweets, companies lost billions of dollars.

Which to me shows that too much of the world's systems are uncritically taking Twitter as a gospel. This isn't a critism of Twitter, it's a criticism of it's users.
I seriously don't get how journos come to the fediverse and don't understand how they're instantly perceived as the villains. You people are largely the reason most of us are here. You are THE bad guys. Period. You put us here. You made us "The Bad Guy" by sending us here and you are not welcome at all. Fucking kill yourselves please. Nobody wants you here.

When you question the difference in “counting votes” 100% completed on election night,and “counting ballots “ in democratic strongholds that takes weeks after the election and subject to fraud.It is labeled as “Election Denial Conspiracy”.

You will never be a real free thinker. You have no controversial opinions. Nothing you espouse opposes the system. You are a soyboy twisted by ridiculous narratives into a crude mockery of dissent.

@Tfmonkey 4/ Also, it makes no fucking sense that the communists would be fighting harder than the nationalists in China, because the communists could just sit and wait for the National forces to fall while they take over. Which is exactly what HD said happened. Makes a lot more sense than the communists actually fighting themselves and winning over the people as a result.

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@Tfmonkey 3/ We simply cannot take what we think we know to be true at face value. We need to be ready to receive new information. No surprise, the book I am reading is talking about Joseph McCarthy himself, who is maligned by our own leftists who teach history.

That is why when HD said what he said was quite revealing. History is often slanted heavily by those who have an agenda.

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@Tfmonkey 2/ Yes, I am aware that what the history book said sounds like bullshit. It sure was. The eye opening part was how those who win often write history. I don't think there was a communist conspiracy on the part of the textbook writers (even if they are leftists), but rather that they simply took the word of someone else saying it. Not the Chinese, but communist sympathizers in our own government. I have been reading Blacklisted by History, which talks about the communist lies.

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@Tfmonkey 1/ Something HD on your stream said was quite eye opening. It was what he was saying about how the National government of China was taking far more heavy losses against the Japanese than the Communist forces. It was not his statement that was surprising in itself, but rather that I recall my own school history books saying the exact opposite, that the Communists themselves were the ones who were doing the hardest fighting but won the people over with their sacrifice.

What can we learn from Florida's governor race? We found out that all that faggot leftists on Twitter and Reddit are out of touch with what the people of Florida actually want. It turns out that no matter how much idiots not living in the state use the buzzword "DeathSantis," reality showed that they were thriving with the state's lack of restrictions and if anything, showed that they approved of his decisions.

Moral of the story: online retards are not a reliable source of information.

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