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Heard this segment from our state affiliated media. "You better not question the totally free and fair election results when there are more 4:00 am ballot dumps! Saying otherwise means you are a purveyor of MISINFORMATION!"

I would not be shocked if it was the feds themselves creating these threats just so they can justify more crackdowns on anyone who questions our banana republic "democracy."

Retarded german enjoying 75º weather:

“uh only drink when you’re thirsty, you shouldn’t be staying ahead of the hydration curve”

Retards who spend 90% of their day in air conditioning: “WOW ABSOLUTE TRUTH IT’S A CONSPIRACY TO SELL BOTTLED WATER”

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I think many people who are unable to succeed in the financial realm just assume that everyone who is well off did not earn their way. But for the vast majority of those that are well off and STAY well off are those that did have to work hard.

Just because you were unable to succeed does not mean that everyone else is unable to without cheating.

Sure, there are those that do cheat or get lucky. But does it help to dwell upon that? No matter where you are, you can always improve yourself.

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Is is possible he was using steroids? Maybe. But that is not something I need to care about. I am where I am at and am happy to be.

We can extend this thinking to financial status too. Are there trust fund babies that merely rode on the coattails of their parents? Absolutely. But if I live my life in envy of them, I am no better off. I need to look at my own life and determine if I am where I can be regardless of where others are.

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Living your life in envy is no way to live if you want to be content. Those that are envious often were not ones that really tried hard to achieve what they think others got without effort.

For example, I saw someone at my gym benching 3 plate. I am barely able to do 2 plate myself, so clearly this guy is stronger than me. Should I be envious? No, because I understand how hard of work I had to do to get where I am, and most likely this guy had to bust his own ass to get to that point.

At least under the honest brutality of Soviet Communism, the government had the courtesy to let you know (damn well) who it was that was oppressing you and why.

Here in the "free world," we want our denizens to believe they are insane.

Apparently Blinken makes a point to always shove LGBT shit in his foreign policy discussions with other countries. Not an expert on China, but I doubt they are going to be big fans of homosexuality when they are wanting to solve their own birth rate issues.

Even if he leaves out the gay crap, I think China is going to be no happier with the US after these discussions. Even the mainstream press is not optimistic.

Faggot journos so desperate to write the most sensational sadpost possible about ukraine right now they embarrassed themselves.

Then after being made fun of by thousands of people they changed the title.


I speculate that the lack of subtlety and having progressive messaging in movies is due to new generations of people coming into the industry having a complete lack of understanding in tactics. Rather than go in with stealth, they think they can just charge on in and have blatant gay propaganda without real consequences.

I am thankful that they are incapable of being subtle. It makes it easier to avoid leftist propaganda. Plus it keeps me from having to watch poorly made movies.

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If indeed Elsa is supposed to be a stand in for a gay character, she flies under the radar. Which means the woke crowd can scoff at any moral panic from the right because "they are just reading into things that are not there."

But these days, they just outright make a character the gay and proud of being gay. As a tactic, this fails to plant any seeds for ideas. For example, the new Buzz Lightyear movie. Gay character is just inserted. Parents say no to having their children watch the movie.

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Remember when messaging was more subtle in Disney movies? That is, it was so subtle, there was plausible deniability that they were even having any woke propaganda at all.

For example: Frozen. There was a whole lot of parents concerned that Elsa's character was a stand in for a lesbian. I don't know for a fact if this was the intention, but if it was, this is the best tactic. There's room for doubt, but if it was intended, it starts planting seeds.

Note: I am not endorsing. I am diagnosing.

short of actually nuking moscow this is the quickest path to provoking a nuclear response from russia

I do not want to see WWIII, but I will not suffer great shock or despair if/when the US military forces finds themselves losing to the militaries of Russia and China. It turns out that you cannot contend well with a grandmaster when you are so used to beating your 5 year old nephew at chess. The US is in this exact state, where we do not realize just how out of practice we are at fighting someone who can properly fight back.

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Speaking of the libtards, they show just how quickly they abandon supposed principles in line with the narrative. They were those that previously were the biggest opponents of the US military industrial complex, but now whether they are aware of it or not, are the most ardent supporters of that institution. All it took was for the propaganda factories to talk about how "important" the Ukrainian "democracy" was and now they are all about the US being militarily supreme.

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