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One thing that the film Idiocracy got wrong is that the only form of idiocy is not populistic and anti-intellectual. You can also absolutely have a form of idiocy that is elitist and pseudo-intellectual.

In my view, yes one faction would be watching "ow my balls", but another person would be watching an equally vapid TV show called "let's laugh at the people watching ow my balls". Wow it might have a veneer of intellectualism, in reality it would simply be another form of petty dumb entertainment.

One form of idiocy may be convinced by "Brawndo has what plants crave", but another group may be chanting "scientists and philosophers all agree Brawndo is what plants crave!" Even though they know nothing about science or philosophy.

You shouldn't pick between the two sides because they are both wrong, and both idiocies appeal to baser emotions. Most people know that populism appeals to a desire for simplicity in the world, well elitism appeals to the desire to be able to look down on someone who isn't you. Both forms of idiocy demand conformance to a standard that matches their worldview.

Because at the moment that's the narrative, people may believe that populist idiocy leads to the erosion of democratic values and the spread of misinformation while elitist idiocy creates social divisions and hinders progress. In reality, all forms of idiocy do all of the above. The fact that a falsehood is being spread by people pretending to be smarter than everyone else doesn't make it a truth, it's still just as much a falsehood. The fact that an elitist wants to corrupt democracy because they look down on the people watching "ow my balls" instead of those watching "watching people watch ow my balls, how stupid are these people?" doesn't mean democracy is magically intact. Just because someone is doing something that will regress or otherwise harm society doesn't mean it's not so just because it's a populist doing it, and dividing up people into different classes of people divides society whether your contention is that the populists are the "good guys" or the elitists.

While populism or elitism have representations in idiocy, that doesn't mean that these ideologies are inherently idiotic or that they can't have very meaningful and engaging representations. There are in fact sophisticated arguments for both, and within both. The key isn't the form of idiocy, rather it's the fact that idiocy can have a thousand faces, and using the presentation of one form of idiocy as a heuristic for detecting all forms of idiocy is not accurate.

Ironically, the idea of using the film "Idiocracy" as a heuristic for idiocy is a form of idiocy. You'll see people unthinkingly chant "That's just like the movie Idiocracy!" as if that actually means anything. This only serves as further evidence of my point, that idiocy takes many forms, and there's no ideology you can follow to be inherently immune to it. The key for people who are not physically idiots due to environmental, biological, or developmental factors (who can be forgiven for their infirmities) is to avoid being ideologically idiotic by thinking for oneself -- Critically think, consider the consequences of your thoughts, understand and accept that whatever you choose to believe will not be wholly correct or wholly just or wholly moral. You might end up wrong about something, but at least you came by your conclusions honestly, and if you're not being an idiot and you're wrong, then there's a good chance you will change your mind eventually.
@ChristiJunior Reminds me of a study I lost track of, but it was a survey that asked people to estimate the political views of their opposites. Conservatives were able to accurately simulate the viewpoints of liberals, moderate or extreme, but the liberals could not. Functionally, the liberals took the inverse of their views and then pushed them to borderline extremes. They simply lacked the ability to simulate a thought process different from their own, so even a moderate liberal believed all conservatives were more extreme than they actually were.

Recon report from state propaganda radio NPR:

Trump said Gov Josh Shapirio was a bad jew because "he was not doing enough for Israel." Democrats respond by calling statement this "anti-semetic."

Apparently any criticism of a Jew is apparently anti-semetic, and Trump frankly is guilty of liking Jews too much, not hating them. And I am not sure what any governor is supposed to be doing for Israel anyways.

There is no part of this story that is not retarded.

PSA if you have an Android - you need to turn this spyware shit off in your settings immediately. It’s on by default.

A media tactic I noticed while listening to the state propaganda on the radio (NPR) is that they will "just ask questions" to whatever Democrat operative they have on, allowing the operative free reign to shill out their message without any pushback. This allows the state propaganda to claim neutrality while obviously pushing a narrative.

Meanwhile, no one on the right will get this softball treatment.

@houseoftolstoy Hardly anybody notices what you're doing. Well, men don't, women DO have their radar spinning to judge each other, so like most media this is a piece by fat women for fatter women, exerting its will on hypothetical men

I don't need 21 minutes of talk to solve this issue. I can do it with one sentence:

Stop being a faggot and start lifting you pussy.

The only people who fear "gymtimidation" are those that should be gatekept from going to the gym in the first place. But considering the low testosterone audience, I suppose this segment will appeal to them.

If you see someone who is a swole beast that lifts heavy, you should be inspired, not "gymtimidated."

>diehard foodie

Ordering DoorDash 8 times per week does not make you a "foodie".
Tim Walz is the libtard beta test of the "Hicklib" archetype, seeing if they can successfully exploit this type of aesthetic physiognomy on a broader scale.

@houseoftolstoy The current era is the strongest argument for the ancient practice of fathers choosing husbands for their daughters.

I have seen a lot of moronic terms pop up these days:

"I can feel his energy"

Terms like these are the result of women being inept at navigating the dating marketplace. The first two terms are just women not being able to think past their own feelings. They just go with what feels good in the moment.

And "situationships" are just women being willing to be strung along by a guy they find attractive while he does not give them commitment.

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