Day 13, added a respawning blob which turns into an exit when all 6 icon parts are collected, keeps the difficulty throughout the level a bit better.
Steamed Hams, but it's a Viral Meme from 2001
Sorted out wall collisions in ASM for this lil NES game tonight, feels good.
While this guy speaks a lot of things that are seemingly obvious, it's handy to have on in the background sometimes as a reminder.
Got some more game dev done tonight, details in the video:
This might be done by WedNESday, ya never know!
1 week into making this little nes game and it's shaping up quite well, getting much quicker with assembly language.
I watched this video on "flow state" that YouTube recommended out of nowhere and it clicked with me. It even goes into the connection between "flow" (wu wei) and purpose and freedom. definitely worth your time.