

I want to have disposable cell phone numbers. Do you recommend buying cheap SIM cards, or is there a dedicated service where I can rent numbers?



At Wal=mart in the U.S.A. you can buy prepaid cell phones

You have to buy new phone number cards to reactivate the cell phone

You dial the number on the card and it puts credit on the cell phone

They might be called Tracfones

I do not know if they require an ID to purchase or if you can just purchase them with cash without using your credit card number and ID

And keep the receipt on the way out of the store to prove you are not shoplifting


Depends on what you want to do with it - send sms, receive sms, make calls, receive calls, some/all of the above.

There are services that accept cash/crypto for this.

If you want to roll your own then buy a burner phone + sim regularly.

Tracking on sim phones works on the basis of phone hardware + sim. As soon as your hardware pings a cell tower, swapping out your sim won't matter since the new sim will be tied to the previously recorded hardware ID.

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