
Who will win 2024 U.S. election?


Kamala Harris

Ron Desantis

Mike Pence


Whoever hip thrusts the hardest at the wailing wall in Israel

President Trump at the Western Wall (C-SPAN)


Raw Video: Obama Tours Western Wall

Associated Press

Visit of President Donald J. Trump to Yad Vashem - May 23, 2017

Yad Vashem

@Eiregoat @monkeydog not necessarily, if trump wins, then yes, he will rally the dumb ass white ppl and send them to fight for the jew. But, if Biden wins then the american ppl are likely to boogaloo, especially if the ppl know that he stole the election again. No one is joining the military and when biden starts the forced conscription then the ppl will boogaloo but if trump wins then he has all gis supporters and white ppl to send to die for the jew. Vote for biden build back broke.

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