@Scubbie So that means the UK now has a Pakistani Mayor of London and an Indian Prime Minister. What a joke.

@UncleIroh @Scubbie Well, they are both British. Is it that they are ethnic Indians/Pakistani what you are bringing attention to? Didn't Britain colonize India for a number of years? I understand they Installed ethnic British to control India as the Viceroy Of India and underpaid Indian soldiers conscripted to fight for Britain in WW2.

@sardonicsmile @Scubbie
Under colonialism, the coloniser rules. That's kind of the deal with it.

Post-colonialism means sovereign independent nations. Do you think India or Pakistan would ever allow an English man to be their head of state? Would China? Japan or Korea? No, we all know that would be absurd.

@UncleIroh @Scubbie They are British, regardless of their ethnic background. If you placed them in the country of their ancestors, they would be foreigners. Post colonialism means people emigrate and establish residence and allegiance to countries other than that of their ethnic background. You seem to have some underlying issue with them holding office; political affiliation and values aside.

@sardonicsmile @Scubbie
British is not the same as English, Scottish, Welsh or Irish.

National ethnicity means something important. It's not wrong for people to want to have children who look like them. To have their leaders look like them and share the same ancestry. These values have been normal across all ages and all cultures.

Stop pretending it means racism. It doesn't.

When England is no longer England, the Indian man will still have India to call home. Grow the fuck up.

@UncleIroh @Scubbie You sound triggered. Nowhere in my inquiry did I suggest or advocate for racism. This will be my last comment to you.

@sardonicsmile @Scubbie
It's not about me.

Nowhere in my response to you did I suggest or advocate racism.

What I actually did was lay claim to the verifiable fact that a nation state collectively wanting to have a leader who looks like them and shares common ancestry with them is normative; across all cultures and ages.

Prove me wrong. Generally, not specifically. You cannot, bcause I'm right.

Electing a non-native speaks to Britain's commitment to equality. That doesn't make it right.


@UncleIroh @Scubbie Skin color is just a short cut and the weakest medium to establish values.
What matters is the Values, Tradition, and Culture.

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