Couldn't agree more. Nowhere else in the world is this more true than The West, the only culture that places women above men.

Another word for this is "Chivalry" and we've been cultivating this nonsense since it's beginnings in 12th century France. It's the source of modern day tradcuckery and it needs to die.

@UncleIroh Agreed. I is a self correcting problem. We may not even live to see the recovery after the fallout/collapse.

@sardonicsmile This is literally mind's gold. Thanks for posting it.

@VooDooMedic I'm okay. Thanksgiving holiday started today, but it's a normal workweek, for me. It's just another day. Double time for working on the holidays.

@sardonicsmile ayeee nice! I don't think I'm getting double time ATM since I'm pretty sure in Aussieland we don't celebrate Thanksgiving

@VooDooMedic You mentioned on the show your current employer was withholding your settlements/pay? Did you resolve that or did you give them your two weeks notice?

@sardonicsmile it got resolved partially but I'm still waiting for them to draw up a full time contract as well as pay me for my hours I trained (close to around 100 hours of unpaid training) but I'm earning about 1.5k a week now so it's "good" but it could be better

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