you work hard and for long hours for what? a broken back and a letter saying " no one asked him to work so hard ".

and now you're in your bed, like a turtle on your back, cuz you can't move or walk, but they expect you to show up at Monday.

you try to be a good person but, " God " keeps testing you, with suffering and misfortune, at this point, god can go fuck himself, God is a cuck to Satan, nowhere in the bible does it say, he will kill him, he will just send him to hell's kitchen.

@RodrickSage - Re: God

Personally, I don't accept that whole "God is testing you" business. I don't let any man or priest, stand between me and God. I don't accept anyone else's explanation of God's nature or will (to include the bible or any other "holy books"). God's nature and will are revealed in his creation (the universe and everything in it).

I find it helpful to learn and understand the fundamental truth of that, as far as I'm able, and to strive to be in harmony with that.

Cheers, 🍻

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