@sardonicsmile Poor guy. His entire life destroyed because of some cunt empowered by this retarded system.
Just get a doll or leave the west, fuck this place.
@sardonicsmile fuck that dick thinking Gorilla,and the NFL he belongs in Canada
@Scubbie This guy lost a multi million dollar contract with the NFL because a female **falsely accused** him.
Such a shame people in this community have such little empathy for fellow men. Even if they get red pilled the hard way.
No one is born with red pill knowledge.
@sardonicsmile I have my own reasons for thinking he is a dick thinking ape and learned nothing from this event,and fuck football it is a male ego bonding Fugazi tha props up the nigger,poor nigger lost millions guess he has to move to Canada and only make 1/2 millions or sell crack or rap,sorry I am to racist to pity him
Thats fucked, never had a chance, but then again he was also a nigger so its like he never had a chance x 2
@sardonicsmile Why men don't approach Whaman anymore 😓😓😓
A dream crush by lies this Is The fucking System wevare living.