
Try having your whore sister fly around the world on her SECOND world tour with time freedom while you're still paying back student loans getting disrespected at your job

You can't troll me on this @Scubbie

You've bought hoes before you know what they look like

@basedbagel I think @Scubbie was just rhetorically asking if your sister is attractive.
Attractive females are in effect an upper class. They are accustomed to getting what they want.


The thing that makes my sisters case so bizarre is that she's a gay whore who's been spoiled her WHOLE life by my parents.

I didn't know this was a thing and it still confuses me.

She has 0 respect for men but men are the only reason she's financially free.

Also you would think with her being gay and all guys wouldn't defer to her since they can't fuck her... WRONG

Her whole life has been fuckup after fuckup with no real consequences.

It makes no sense.

@basedbagel @Scubbie Makes perfect sense. If she is attractive.

You are overthinking. You are too focused on what you *think* it *ought* to be as opposed to how it *actually is*.

@basedbagel @sardonicsmile I have never bought a lesbian whore,I would think you would have to buy two of them or buy the one to fuck your Women you bring along so you could watch and drink a beer after you got your nutt,that would make sense



I don't know nor do i want to know about the details of that depraved industry.

It just disgusts me and blows my mind that prostitutes who literally depend on men for their income despise men so much.

If simps truly knew what hoes thought of them they would die of dehydration from non stop crying.

@basedbagel @Scubbie

Women view swx the same way men view work. Men are simply tools to women.
They view men the same way you view a hammer or a screw driver in your toolbox

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