Conscription Is Forced Prostitution
@sardonicsmile It's only prostitution if the men fight for a country/cause they don't personally support, because they're too scared or are simply mercenaries. Men have to fight for something, if it isn't to defend their nation, then it should be against their government. The real prostitution isn't conscription, but the "just following orders" mentality. If you're told to fight for something you don't respect, REVOLT.
@Based_Accelerationist Well, I have to assert. In both cases the individual is selling their body. One is selling to another person the other is "selling", by force, in the case of conscription, to the government.
@sardonicsmile That depends on whether you consider regular sex, prostitution. In my view, if a soldier really believes in what he's fighting for (like a girl who has sex with her boyfriend she likes), then it's not prostitution, even if the soldier/girl appreciate the other benefits that such a relationship brings, or even if the government/boyfriend are just using their bodies to their own ends.