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@Justicar Yes. She was made. Nevertheless she has ignored the needs of her constituents and is part of the American Elite class.
She is a liar and a fraud.
I will work my entire life and still not be able to retire. She did it in her 30s.

How many Lifetimes would I need to acquire Wealth like this.
And she did this through dishonestyand deception while ignoring the needs of constituents and being a DEI hire.

She will ne the next "Nancy Pelosi"

@VeganMGTOW Well, I do not think right and proper Men "should die" in order for these problems to be solved. Nevertheless, many men *will* die because of the very same problems and the carrying out of the solution.
Personally, I have opted out. I will no longer support or defend a Society that demonizes Men and relegated me to a 2nd class citizen only so chads children can have it better along with the females who also reject me.

@Justicar Well, pens are tools, for work. It is just a pen, for females. I am very particular about my pens/ writing tools. I do not even allow others to borrow or use my pen even if only to sign their name on documents I am presenting to them. ONLY men will understand this. Females spend money on household goods and useless trinkets.

Barbarossa: One of the OGs/Plankowners of MGTOW.

flawed male desire leads to traditional parasitism

@VeganMGTOW Well, they will send able bodied men first. Moreover, they will place the burdens of the rigorous and life threatening duties on those same men. They they will conscript the rest of the men.

@Justicar Well, their blunder is when they tried to go woke and cater to females

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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.