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She thought he was gonna pull a Harvey Weinstein but instead she got an Autisty Legostein.

Men who are indoctrinated with propaganda of Duty, Honor, God, Country; we hijack the gratitude devoted to Men and mistakenly include females. Stealing away the credit and memory just because a few female corpsmen happen to die behind the FOB.
There are white crosses at Arlington Cemetery representing Men who despite their ultimate sacrifice, have not been missed because there are young boys who turn 18 Every year who are required to sign up for Selective Services.

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Just thinking: Females want special recognition in nearly every facet of society even in triage for rescue, except when distinction becomes a liability to females.
When support is given TO males, then females want to be counted *in* with Men.
It is become a commonplace to parrot the phrase "Our brave Men and women in the Military".
However, Purposeful Male sacrifice is one reserved for Men. Men used as cannon fodder.

@YoMomz I am not inclined to believe a female can be "intimidated" into not reporting an offender.
Women are NOT afraid of men because they implicitly understand men are socially conditioned to Not retaliate and there are No consequences to their accusatuons or aggravated assault/abuse.
Besides "rape shield" laws do not even reveal the identity. They are completely out of the picture. You neither know who is accusing you nor do you have your Right to face your accuser.

I do not subscribe to the Tate Brothers.

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