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This should have been articulated much better.
Nevertheless, he is only half right.
Females are the Selectors. They determine which genes get passed on. This is why we refer to Nature in thr feminine. "Mother Nature". Nature, *she* determines which phenotypes propagate through female *Selection*.

Just thinking: On homeownership: You do not own something you pay for the privilege of posseting.

Tags: historical_perspective, quote, collapse, degeneracy, sexual_degeneracy, subversion
Source: The booru is down for now
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@shortstories Exactly, strong men don't get power because they were voted in by the masses, they always have to take it by force.

The idea that women voting is what's preventing society from fixing itself is wishful thinking, since women didn't even give themselves those rights. It's weak men who are behind feminism, it's everyday men who enforce all the gynocentric laws as well as their collectivist tyranny.

Depopulation is the only way forward and most men have to go. Women obey regardless.

Mass IT outage grounds planes and hits trains, banks and businesses acrost the world.

It's look like the global cyber attack is here 😈

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