I was surprised by how easily people (both on the Right and the Left) accepted the whole "Nazis in Ukraine" thing. Meh, Nazis, who cares. Yet it never made sense to me. Why would Nazis be fighting for a US vassal like Ukraine? Are they merely mercenaries? From the footage I watched, it didn't seem like it.
No, the Azov battalion is there because they're against Russia. But why?
Probably for the same reason Putin can't name who's in control. Probably because Russia has been persecuting them.
Firsr Venezuela and not the fiasco that is Paris 2024. Distraction, distraction.
Pink Floyd - What Do You Want From Me https://youtube.com/watch?v=A8i7248HqEY&si=eczWDSu6ffoR_yqg
If you thought you were born too late to deploy to the middle east, dont... https://youtube.com/shorts/DaGxfKfsNO4?si=gGKz2A1wPeKQMfFp
The Secretary of defense released a memo today rescinding the plea deal ... https://youtube.com/shorts/v_lQi8scIME?si=dBbNVwYNSe1sUV4S
Scottish junkie walking his pet fire https://youtube.com/shorts/PTcGCIv3wOI?si=7JwK9fx1vupXbIge
"Illegal Immigrants ARE NOT WELCOME IN OUR TOWN" Colorado Mayor | Redact... https://youtube.com/watch?v=JijzKbpUAqU&si=iT5Ck9-xDXuDY7lG
"Smart Men Don't Get Married." - Bone Tomahawk (2015) #shorts #bonetomah... https://youtube.com/shorts/mGXs552VSwU?si=Ki_GRMMng42Fvi8e
I spent all this time trying to be one of you and now I realize... I'm not.