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"Let's happily give into xenophobia". [Local singer] condemns Muslim invasion of Europe. Warns that "tolerance is shit". :doge_laugh:
This is the problem with mischling right , regardless of what they say u can't make deal with jews as long as israel exists , they literally do not give a fuck about your politiking they will ruin your country and fuck off back to israel when shit hits the fan

Death to israel btw
This is an Irish politician and former mayor of Dublin. She desperately wants to be a TD but the only offices she can get are appointments by her party. The Irish people do NOT want her, even in the most diverse areas.


Every day my life be like:

"Haha you thought the government wouldn't ignore stagflation and double down, causing the entire financial system to collapse while driving all the commodities producers in the world into the arms of BRICS.

You said the government wouldn't keep rates above 5% because it would cause the interest payments on the debt to force debt monetization and hyperinflation.

But the government did all of those things and the world hasn't presently ended. What do you have to say?"

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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.