
TFM, my dude. Brother of another mother.

Look, I'm more than down with you embracing the JQ in an honest way.


In the midst of Jew-instigated thermonuclear war, I have questions.

Importantly, why the fuck did it take a low-level Progressive spat to convince you that this whole Yiddish shitshow was ethnically-driven instead of ideological?

I mean, really? Really?


@UncleIroh @Tfmonkey

It is ideologically driven

Their religion created a race

Then they discriminate against people outside that race as a tenet of their religion

Essentially the Jewish religion is a racist ideology

Christianity and Islam are not racist like that in that any race can join the religion and be free from discrimination against non members

Judaism gives automatic racial membership, discriminates against non members

And creates barriers of membership for other races

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