
NASA declared at least part of the footage NASA gave to the public were simulated or in other words in this context fake

Some parts of the video footage NASA gave to the public say in big upper case capital letters,



Video Title

Historic Apollo 11 Moon Landing Footage

youtube channel


@shortstories @UncleIroh Boomers worship the TV. To them, something being on it, with the exception of sci-fi and high fantasy, is real and factual. Reality TV hit them like a cannonball to the gut, they don't realize it's fake, staged, and exaggerated. They try to behave like the actors they see on TV. And this is in current year. How much more so in 1969?

@Mongoliaboo @shortstories

It's easy to understand why though. TV created a shared experience and culture that has long since gone.

It wouldn't have mattered to them that they were being MKUltra'd the whole time even if they knew about it, because the benefits outweighed the cons.

The world is Cypher from the Matrix, not Neo.


@UncleIroh @Mongoliaboo

In this historical photo from the U.S. space agency, Werhner von Braun, then Chief, Guided Missile Development Operation Division at Army Ballistic Missile Agency (ABMA) in Redstone Arsenal, Alabama, was visited by Walt Disney in 1954. In the 1950's, von Braun worked with Disney Studio as a technical director, making three films about space exploration for television.


NASA needed people to

believe the movie magick

To believe other claims

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@shortstories @UncleIroh @Mongoliaboo when you're still trying to be a fiscally responsible nation

you do pr work to drum up dollars to buy bonds

disney wasn't globohomo central, and no one cared about braun's nazi commission, probably because it wasn't the autistic boogie man that its made out to be today
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