Hot take: I don't mind reparations but I just don't see how it can logically be implemented.

1. Are there good records of who has slave ancestry and who doesn't?

2. What about other races who were slaves? Do they get a check too or is it blacks only?

3. For blacks that descend from free men/slave owners, should they now pay into the reparations pool of $ to be redistributed?

4. How much $ do they get?

IMO the best time for reparations was right after the civil war, Now it's too complex

If Bishop Bagel was going in charge of the US reparations department I wouldn't give cash.

I would give them some time of tuition voucher they can use to learn a skill or a trade.

That would be the best way IMO because most people aren't good with managing lumpsums of 💰


The tuition reparations for black people are already happening and they are not working because they prefer fields that do not use math and do not involve hands on labor

Black people are given preference in Universities and the government gives out free grants to attend colleges

Giving black people tuition while allowing them to pass high school without being required to multiply single digit numbers in their head without a calculator has only made them more poor



"The math death squad would round people up and put them in camps to force them to learn math if they could not answer basic math questions. If they refused to practice math they would be executed. "

"She did keep her promise of reparations. Whenever someone was executed their money was put in a reparations fund. This money was then given to black people with ancestors born in the United States during or prior to Jim Crow laws"


Surviving blacks rich

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