
Artificial selection caused by welfare tax has been causing a higher percent of people with genetic defects who could not survive on their own without the welfare state to exist in each generation

@shortstories @sardonicsmile

One of the major side effects of technology is that it's dysgenic. Through technology we keep people alive who could not otherwise survive, and those people have kids that then further weaken us a whole.

Once technology can shield us from most of the things that nature forced us to adapt to - climate, predators, starvation & disease - then natural evolution stops and human eugenics begins.

That's where we're at now.


@UncleIroh @sardonicsmile

Not necessarily because humans can evolve such that those who are smarter at using new technology survive better than those who have trouble learning new devices

It might make the next generation smarter but have a higher percent of certain conditions that would kill them without tech

However with welfare tax the next generation would not become smarter

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