The reason why lesbian relationship DV rates are so high is because lack of good dick drives females insane.


Anecdotally I can confirm this. A bi-woman friend I used to know years back told me she missed D too much and the weight of a man on top of her. Also everything was too wet for her liking.


Nope! I have multiple lesbians in my family.

Both are crazy as can be.

One thing people used to understand before feminism is that men and women balance each other out emotionally.

When men don't have a woman they tend to act weird, petty and ruminate about nonsense.

When women don't have a man they become SUPER insane. Even moreso than usual.

My OP is from personal XP not peer reviewed yet so who knows for sure?


Nope! I have multiple lesbians in my family.

Both are crazy as can be.

One thing people used to understand before feminism is that men and women balance each other out emotionally.

When men don't have a woman they tend to act weird, petty and ruminate about nonsense.

When women don't have a man they become SUPER insane. Even moreso than usual.

My OP is from personal XP not peer reviewed yet so who knows for sure?

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