The solution to inflation is cutting government spending.

When you "fight inflation" by manipulating commodities markets you get producer revolts in the form of things like farmer protests and wars in the Middle East.

@Tfmonkey Is Good to hyperinflate The cumrrency
cause that way we create a problem AND offer a solution that Is CDC.

@VeganMGTOW @Tfmonkey

I want so much inflation people decide to only use barter and never use money again

If the money is worth nothing and you double the money supply you cut it's value in half but it is worth the exact same amount which is nothing

Money always has been a Ponzi Scheme from the very beginning

Gold does not have value as money but it has value for making tools out of gold

@shortstories @VeganMGTOW @Tfmonkey Gold has value because it's hard to get more gold too. Like analogue blockchain. 😏
@BowsacNoodle @shortstories @VeganMGTOW @Tfmonkey Plenty of crap is hard to get and rarer, gold has many real world applications.

@white_male @Tfmonkey @VeganMGTOW @BowsacNoodle

Dodo bird poop would be very rare but would it be more valuable than gold

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@shortstories @Tfmonkey @VeganMGTOW @BowsacNoodle I'm implying rarity plus usefulness make it valuable, also it's shiny. Not any rare crap, there has to be demand.
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