There is literally no excuse to ever send money to an onlyfans whore, or any e-whore.

You either google boobs and get 6 trillion results, or you prompt an AI to create new boobs for you and get infinite results.

@ButtWorldsMan Completely agreed, as far as I'm concerned as soon as you have an Internet connection erotica has lost all it's surface level value it arbitrarily retains, & for me personally after hooking up with my ex(textbook Red pill example)even on a physical level sex is disgusting now as it's been artificially commodified, it loses it's novelty almost instantly, & the taboo nature is the norm encouraging the truly degenerate shit towards the center. I wasn't even raised in a religious or conservative household to say this.

@fal1026 @ButtWorldsMan

If you have a friend and you want to help them out in life by sending them money I think that is ok

But if you are sending money for pictures I think that is stupid unless you maybe have the legal right to make money off the pictures

Like for example a picture of a model to sell the clothes she or he is wearing

But you can not make money off those kinds of pictures

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@white_male @ButtWorldsMan @fal1026

I will tell you a story to explain

There were second generation people from a third world country living in the United States

Strangers on the internet from their country would beg money for a business

Their first generation parents gave them money

One day the second gen ( adult ) children came to the country on a trip and the strangers gave the children money & free food & stuff because their parents helped them start a business & it was no scam

@shortstories @ButtWorldsMan The market right now is pure dishonest, lazy, & degenerate grift, reminds me of kids I went to HS with, bcuz the government fucked up the economy bringing in illegals & making education shit, the only option for us was retail or selling drugs. Now the difference is girls were given the world on a silver platter, they have no difficulties outside of those that are self inflicted, with minor exceptions we need not go into bcuz of the obviousness, but the amount of ease they choose to whore themselves out to the point of retiring respectable professions in order to try & tap the SIMP market is pure disgust to me.
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