There is literally no excuse to ever send money to an onlyfans whore, or any e-whore.

You either google boobs and get 6 trillion results, or you prompt an AI to create new boobs for you and get infinite results.

@ButtWorldsMan Completely agreed, as far as I'm concerned as soon as you have an Internet connection erotica has lost all it's surface level value it arbitrarily retains, & for me personally after hooking up with my ex(textbook Red pill example)even on a physical level sex is disgusting now as it's been artificially commodified, it loses it's novelty almost instantly, & the taboo nature is the norm encouraging the truly degenerate shit towards the center. I wasn't even raised in a religious or conservative household to say this.

@fal1026 @ButtWorldsMan

If you have a friend and you want to help them out in life by sending them money I think that is ok

But if you are sending money for pictures I think that is stupid unless you maybe have the legal right to make money off the pictures

Like for example a picture of a model to sell the clothes she or he is wearing

But you can not make money off those kinds of pictures


@white_male @ButtWorldsMan @fal1026

I will tell you a story to explain

There were second generation people from a third world country living in the United States

Strangers on the internet from their country would beg money for a business

Their first generation parents gave them money

One day the second gen ( adult ) children came to the country on a trip and the strangers gave the children money & free food & stuff because their parents helped them start a business & it was no scam

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