@Tfmonkey How viable is middle east for white guys to move and live there?
They have pretty good community.
They know how to deal with women.
They are not afraid to do things that need to be done.
But IMO for me their women are ugly. So far I think about asia mainly Philippines or Russia.
I like how Philippines have english as official. But they are too close to west.
Maybe future BRICS members like Belarus or Thailand.
Unless people believe you sincerely are a Muslim most middle east countries are not safe
If I remember correctly I heard Jordan is the only Muslim country in the world in which you are allowed to change your religion without being executed
Malaysia is a muslim country in island chain in Southeast Asia which I believe is near Indonesia and the Phillipines
I would suggest Mexico unless Mexico starts having holocaust denial laws
Some parts of USA are very good others bad
I do not think how women look should be a primary consideration in choice of country but I think that not all southeast asian ethnicities will look the same
So you might be in for an unexpected surprise that is not what you want if you choose a country because you want the Asian apoearance in people when there is no one Asian appearance
I think you might be better off thinking about culture and laws and the geographic environment that is different in different locations
@shortstories @Tfmonkey It is one of the many reasons to decide on country.
For example Russia is pretty cold compare to south east asia that is tropical. Both I could make work.
I would like country that is pretty lenient to cars. Not like EU where you can hardly do tunning or some changes.
Little bureaucracy, easy to create business and not many retarded policies, laws and norms that I would need to follow. Last thing would be good to nr more for free market than too much control.