@UncleIroh I love this side of Japanese culture. It is overflowing with wholesome moments just like this.

@UncleIroh To this point, I've been considering what is required for this type of attitude to surface in a family. I believe it must come from first a strong male figure from which emanates this kind of reassurance, whether that figure is a female's father, husband, social leader etc. Where males lead whether in action, attitude, or intention, there females follow, whether that is to weakness or to nobility. I'm certain there exist other factors, but this is my first inclination.


I've been on a dive into Shintoism and once you understand what it is, it answers many many questions about Japanese culture, anime plots and their attitude to things like this.

Since Shinto is animist, they believe spirits - kami - exist in everything from animals, plants & people to inanimate objects like mountains or roombas.

As they say, Japanese people are born Shinto, marry Christian, and die Buddhist.

I find Shinto to be a really unique and fascinating religion.

@UncleIroh @DoubleD

Polygyny used to be legal in Japan before so called Christian invaders outlawed it

Even though the Bible generally allows polygyny with some extremely specific exceptions

@shortstories @DoubleD

I don't think you'll find any culture on earth that didn't practise polygyny.

Apparently incest also used to be very commononly practised in Japan, even up until WW2. There were no moral prohibtions against parental, sibling, cousin, aunt/uncle sex or marriage, and it wasn't until genetic science really proved how dysgenic incest was that it got outlawed.

@teratology @DoubleD @shortstories

It's definitely taboo today, but that doesn't mean it culturally disappears right away, it just turns it into a kink.

You can see this in the tons of brother-sister anime plots and all the mother-son hentai. It's still there.

@UncleIroh @DoubleD @shortstories is a coincidence that SK has the highest divorce rates then?

@teratology @DoubleD @shortstories

SK's a irredeemable shitshow. They've lost an entire generation, perhaps 2, to radical feminism.

When it's all played out, SK are going to be the textbook lesson to all nations on the destructive force of feminism.

@UncleIroh @teratology @DoubleD

Confucianism by it's very nature results in cult like structures within anything it infects

Feminist ideologies + Confucianism = Amplified Feminist Cult

South Korea is considered to be most confucian country in the world but North Korea is more confucian than South Korea

@shortstories @teratology @DoubleD

Not even close. The Chinese Empire would like a word.

Literally no other culture has held longer cultural, political, and territorial continuity for over 2,000 years than the Chinese under Confucianism.

Confucianism has historically proved itself to be incredibly stable and very very patriarchal.

@UncleIroh @teratology @DoubleD


Do whatever authority figure says
Believe whatever authority figure says
If you see authority figure do something morally wrong then do not tell anyone
Copy whatever authority figure does

@shortstories @teratology @DoubleD


My or your disaproval or distaste for life under Confucian rule doesn't change the historical facts.

@UncleIroh @teratology @DoubleD

Being Stable in a bad situation is a bad thing not a good thing

Confucianism objectively reduces ability to conduct scientific research and make novel inventions relative to the Philosophies that existed in Europe which was why European countries beat China, Korea and Japan in war having developed superior firearm technology through the scientific method

Confucianism lacks a coherent moral system based on the consequences of actions

@UncleIroh @teratology @DoubleD

Which Chinese government was stable, they changed a bunch of times, just because it was in the same geographic region it is called Chinese but that does not make it stable

@shortstories @teratology @DoubleD

Objectively you are wrong. So wrong. Holding territorial, cultural and poltical integrity for over 2000 years is an achievement and a historical fact when it comes to China.

Sure, they had internal conflicts and warring factions over all dynasties, but it was a remarkably coherent and stable form of governance.

@UncleIroh @teratology @DoubleD

My point is

1 Confucianism always creates religious cults because it has obsession with a human authority figure being the standard for truth instead of the scientific method or axiomatic presuppositions which were used in Europe and the USA until recent history

2 Feminism is a religious cult

3 When a confucian person believes that a specific feminist authority figure is the source of truth then that will result in a more extreme feminist cult

@shortstories @teratology @DoubleD

> Confucianism always creates religious cults

No it doesn't. Show me the evidence. If you cannot find it in China's history then it fails that test. Same for Japan which was stable for 1000 years under Confucianism with no cults to speak of.

> Feminism is a religious cult

No, it's an ideological cult. Not a religion.

You have created a false syllogism with false premises leading to a false conclusion.

Communism leads to cults, hence NK.

@UncleIroh @teratology @DoubleD

North Korea is evidence

China is evidence, the literal standard for what a cult is by Robert Jay Lifton was written based on a study of Chinese thought reform


@UncleIroh @teratology @DoubleD

here is my standard for a cult

"Do whatever authority figure says
Believe whatever authority figure says"

This is Confucianism
"Do whatever authority figure says
Believe whatever authority figure says
If you see authority figure do something morally wrong then do not tell anyone
Copy whatever authority figure does"

· · Web · 1 · 0 · 0

@UncleIroh @teratology @DoubleD

I want to make this absolutely clear

when I say that China is evidence that confucianism results in cults

I mean that the entire country of China is a cult and always has been a cult whenever Confuciamism was enacted as the way of doing things

I also mean that the entire countries of South Korea and Japan are giant cults

@UncleIroh @teratology @DoubleD

The entire countries of China and North Korea have thought police, internet cemsorship and so on

to such a degree that even normies can see they operate like cults

@shortstories @teratology @DoubleD

Your personal opinion of Confucianism bears no resemblance to the world's understanding and academic description of historical Confucianism.

Frankly it makes you look like an overly emotional retard.

Stick to the facts. You are talking about Communism specifically and ideologies in general.

Zionism is another great example of an ideology that leads to cult-like behavior.

@UncleIroh @teratology @DoubleD

I am talking about information control cults

Whether you classify it as a corporate or religious or ideological or political or family structure or some other sort of relationship dynamic it does not matter

The criteria are specific and have to do with how information is processed

Unless we can agree on the criteria of what a information control cult is there can be no agreement about if a relationship dynamic is the same type in a information control cult

@UncleIroh @teratology @DoubleD

To keep things simple

Information control cults

Have a authority figure & or belief system that someone is not permitted to express skepticism in

They make someone imagine undesired consequences that are not real or have enforcerers to enforce consequences for expressing skepticism in the claims of the leader and or belief system

@UncleIroh @teratology @DoubleD

Robert Jay Lifton designed eight criteria

These as well as other similar models all involving information processing

Came to form the basis of forcible deprogramming, information based exit counseling and the strategic interactive approach psychological models of cults

These are different than the religious models & religious exit counseling, which basically say if someone disagrees with a list of things my religious instituition says then they are a cult

@shortstories @teratology @DoubleD

You're reaching so hard.

(((Robert Jay Lifton))) advocates for psychological counseling & therapy, which itself is viewed by many as a cult. The State has a long history of using psychology for social control and manipulation.

I'm not going to accept the ramblings of a Jewish psychology quack to inform me about how to think.

Here's the thing about actual cults - they don't last. Almost by definition they cannot.

@shortstories @teratology @DoubleD

My personal heuristic for cults is that the ideological/political ones have a maximum lifetime of 3 generations - 90 years or so - before they half-life into eventual failure.

Communism, Zionism, Feminism, Transgenderism, NeoLiberalism, Atheism, Psychology - as far as I can tell these are all true examples of ideological cults that have not proven themselves over the long term.

None of these will last.

@UncleIroh @teratology @DoubleD

"Here's the thing about actual cults - they don't last. Almost by definition they cannot."


Statism: The Most Dangerous Religion

Black Batkins


Going strong for thousands of years

@shortstories @teratology @DoubleD

Cute and convincing if you're an easily swayed college undergrad. In the real world however, there are only a few principles of governance that are actually stable enough to create civilizations, let alone lasting ones.

That means territory, babies, energy sources, food, water, weapons, natural resources, and a shared set of values and stories that unite and nourish people over the centuries.

Study that & leave the undergrad nonsense to impressionable fools

@UncleIroh @teratology @DoubleD

Steven Hassan claims to be Jewish and has a connection to Robert Jay Lifton who told him to go into the field of psychology according to hin and who also has been on many interviews with him.

But how do you know that Robert Jay Lifton is Jewish?

I think Steven Hassan basically admits the tools the government uses to control the public when explaining cults

But has not told the truth about the USA government doing it when it comes to Democrats and other Jews

@shortstories @teratology @DoubleD

Do you want me to hold your dick while you pee too?

Early Life section Wikipedia tells you his mother was Jewish and that he interned at a Jewish hospital. This isn't difficult.

@UncleIroh @teratology @DoubleD

"the son of businessman Harold A. Lifton, and Ciel Lifton née Roth."

"[1] He interned at the Jewish Hospital of Brooklyn in 1948–49. "


It does not say his mother was Jewish but her name was Roth which sounds like it might be Jewish

It does say he interned in a Jewish hospital but we do not know that they only hired Jews

He got a Jewish book award related to the holocaust but they might give those to gentiles who support that claim

@shortstories @teratology @DoubleD

Dude, really not trying to be a dick but I really can't tell if you're retarded, autisitc, obtuse or just really young.

Here's my advice, and given in good faith. Absolutely ignore it if you want, but you seriously need to read much more for discussions like this.

History, philosophy, wisdom texts of all religions, politics, etc..East & West, and lay off the bitchute for a while.

And also do something like hunting or boxing to get out of your head.

@UncleIroh @teratology @DoubleD

This explains how clergy have been connected to government for thousands of years

1 People used to worship government leaders as gods like the Pharaohs

2 Later it was claimed that government leaders were claimed to be appointed by god to govern


Title : I Could Just Murder You (A History of Government on Earth)

Channel : School Sucks


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