If I want to look up strong concordance numbers King James or New American Standard Bible
If I want something easy to read New International Version or Contermporary English Version
New International Version had made changes without listing the edition so I do not trust it but the English used to be easy to understand
If I am talking to Catholics Douay Rheims
If I am pointing out kike heresy Jewish Publication society 1913
Look into Basics of Biblical Greek by Mounce
"Novum Testamentum Graece (The New Testament in Greek) is a critical edition of the New Testament in its original Koine Greek published by Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft (German Bible Society), forming the basis of most modern Bible translations and biblical criticism."
This might list the most manuscript variants of any version of the new testament and it has multiple languages of these variants including Syriac even though it is written mainly in Greek
-No English
If you only want to use one translation in English that is both easy to understand and conveys a lot of potential meanings then amplified is good but it might sound funny when read out loud because it is like reading long lists embedded in sentences
Anything in this type of parenthesis ( ) is not in the original text but the guess of a scholar such as the example in Daniel 7
In Daniel 7 they list items that scholars speculate symbolize certain nations