@Tfmonkey Interview about how the west keeps Africa poor by sending free food, free clothes, etc. Just like you said.
But notice the intro song. It's the one from your Lovenestle ad it sounds lewd to me
@Mongoliaboo welfare is evil.
Let's say the U.S.A. government sent some white farmer in the U.S.A. some free food
Would that physically stop them from growing crops?
What if they continued to grow crops so they can have food to eat if the U.S.A. stops sending them free food because they were smart
What if the smarter whites took the welfare and still did things like exercise and help out their community
And the other stupider whites did not exercise and got heart attacks while on welfare eliminating them faster
@shortstories @Mongoliaboo I guess we'll never know because the above scenario didn't actually happen in real life 4 years ago.