Is that the percent of the mass that is muscle as opposed to fat in terms of body composition that increased by 1.9%
or is that the absolute mass of the muscle that increased by 1.9%
Because if you lose both fat and muscle you can increase your percent muscle mass while decreasing the amount of muscle mass you have
Does the smart scale list units when it says Muscle Mass such as either pounds, kilograms or percentage
If it says pounds or kilograms it is probably the absolute muscle mass
But if it says percentage for muscle mass than it is probably body composition
If there are no units than it is another poorly designed device that is called smart
Safety: this is not recommended for anyone who may be pregnant, has osteoporosis, has a pacemaker implanted in their body, an artificial joint, a portable electrocardiogram, or other metal device. If you do this, pls wear your shoes to use it only for weighing
I wonder if this thing can cause people with pacemakers implanted to have their pacemaker malfunction if they use it with their shoes off?
@Tfmonkey @shortstories Prepare to colon surgery
@shortstories It's the number on my smart scale.