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@Terry yes, most of my professors in college were transplants with PhDs
Modern discourse involves being lectured by someone who can't tell the difference between loose,lose, their, they're, there, were and we're.
I find that many modern people pride themselves on being utterly illiterate subgeniuses.

Next up is Tom Luongo talking with TFTC, a bitcoin guy, on the Trump assassination.

I don't normally like either of them, but I'm about halfway through, and what I've heard so far is pretty sound.

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@merchantHelios @spectatorindex even today the data collection is so sparse (among other problems) it's practically useless for fine measurements. the accumulated error is 10x larger than the changes they claim they can see in the data

If people do not call it schizo posting or a conspiracy theory it is probably wrong or not worth saying

We’ve jewish been tax slaves for 60 years, and know one knows it

Trump will be learning his new orders and plan for his presidency on Thursday; if he's allowed to win ofc.

‘I’m a Never Trump guy’: All of J.D. Vance’s Trump quotes that could come back to bite him

Vance says he opposes Trump

Suggested by Trump's son in law who is Ashkenazi so called Jewish

The Truth About JD Vance

The Red Elephants - Vincent James


Being mega rich and famous doesn't mean you're not weak. Sanity is truly the greatest wealth, as Aaron clarey wrote.

@petra @s2208 If Trump does nothing to prevent election fortification this year he's a huge retard and deserves to lose.

Has anything on the ADL been confirmed to be false?

It seems that most of the stuff they say about extremist conspiracy theories is true

I mean what extremist conspiracy theory did they mention that is not based on truth about people who call themselves Jews?

33to all harlots gifts are given; but thou hast given thy gifts to all thy lovers, and hast bribed them to come unto thee from every side in thy harlotries. 34And the contrary is in thee from other women, in that thou didst solicit to harlotry, and wast not solicited; and in that thou givest hire, and no hire is given unto thee, thus thou art contrary.

Ezekiel 16:33-34 JPS 1917

Corporate, virtue signaling, diversity hire promoting, wagies complaining about inflation is fucking hilarious.
I have no sympathy.


If more minorities learned math then more of them would be able to get employed in real jobs and then more of them would want to lower government spending


I do not mean giving them credit for passing math classes just because they are minorities

I am not claiming that they would be willing to learn math

David Duke My Awakening Part 2 of 2



This video does not play well unlike the other it has not worked to play when I click on download this time

Screenshot is results I get when I try to download

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