So one of the word's for a Kike hat is a Kippah
It is interesting that Google translate default assumed it was Hindi instead of Hebrew when detect language was selected
Someone might argue that I typed the word in English letters so it got the language wrong because it was not Hebrew letters but it automatically assumed it was Hindi letters which also is a different alphabet than English and Inserted the Hindi letters to match the English letters
My Little Pony Fans Are Ready to Admit They Have a Nazi Problem
Even a niche subculture built around magical cartoon horses is reckoning with racism.
By Kaitlyn Tiffany
The Atlantic
Some may call this blasphemous but some may call the original statue blasphemous so it is even
Statue of Jesus giving Peter Keys changed to Jesus giving Hitler Keys
Elon Musk at Holocaust museum
Real or computer generated image?
found packages of Price Chopper’s store-brand PICS sliced ham stamped with the Orthodox Union’s (OU) kosher certification
The Forward
Jewish, Indepent, Nonprofit
It is claimed that everyone who is not a Jew should pay a Kosher fee for food so that it can be certified as Kosher so Jews should know if they can eat it
But what if they are charging Goyim slaves a kosher fee for food that is not even Kosher and that Jews who try to eat Kosher will not even eat
Race of Rachel Dolezal, head of Spokane NAACP, comes under question
NAACP official Rachel Doleza;'s race being questioned
The NAACP was not founded by black Americans but by white elites and European Jews. The united nations universal declaration of human rights states an individual may not be denied the right to change his nationality.
Source of image
Anarchism of the right chart
"George Boeckstaens, 75, covered Belgian home with swastikas and Nazi banners
Renamed house in town of Keerbergen 'Het Adelaarsnest' or The Eagle's Nest
Pensioner has giant red swastikas, a Nazi saluting statue and fake human skull
Prosecutors say could be charged under Belgium's strict Holocaust denial laws"
"A wooden statute in the front garden of the pensioner's home is performing a Nazi salute with a Christmas Santa hat on top"
Enrollment vs GDP
Screenshot from
What Xi Jinping Fears More than America
Concern going Trump voters are more concerned about racial equality than secular Trump voters
Does this mean they are concerned about equality because Whites are mistreated or they are concerned about equality because they believe the lie that Blacks are discriminated against more than White gentiles
Screenshot from
Jesus Wars 3: Ziopocalypse Fall of Christianity
Know More News
Church attendance and attitude towards racial groups among Trump voters
Screenshot from this video
Jesus Wars 3: Ziopocalypse Fall of Christianity
Know More News
Percent of Christians decreases in Europe and increases in Africa
How much of this can be attributed to Muslims immigrating from Africa to Europe
screenshot from this video
Jesus Wars 3: Ziopocalypse Fall of Christianity
Know More News
An 8th century Tang dynasty Chinese clay figurine of a Sogdian man wearing a distinctive cap and face veil, possibly a camel rider or even a Zoroastrian priest engaging in a ritual at a fire temple, since face veils were used to avoid contaminating the holy fire with breath or saliva; Museum of Oriental Art (Turin), Italy.[75],_shanxi,_straniero_dal_volto_velato,_600-750_ca.JPG
Face veils to block saliva in Zoroastrianism hundreds of years before COVID 19 face masks
70% of HIV diagnosis in 2022 was among gay and bisexual men
Source CDC
Nationalism not Globalism
Local Anarchist communities not Worldwide Anarchism
Corporations, United Nations Governments, Most Media and Most Clergy are on Team Evil
The Jewish religion intends to exterminate Christians
The Jewish religion intends to enslave or exterminate Gentiles or Goyim
Palestinians are the true Hebrew Israelites
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