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one can say an excuse to him, such as: My son is standing on the roof and I must go use this ladder to help him down from the roof. Alternatively, he can say to him: A time has been appointed for me to appear in the courthouse [bei davar] and I must attend to this matter. Since the Jew can provide a legitimate excuse for refusing to aid the gentile, there is no need to extract him from the pit.

Avodah Zarah 26a:16

From where is it derived that it is permitted to retain the lost item of a gentile? It is derived from a verse, as it is stated with regard to the mitzva of returning a lost item: "With every lost thing of your brother's" (Deuteronomy 22:3), indicating that it is only to your brother that you return a lost item, but you do not return a lost item to a gentile.

Bava Kamma 113b:8

@Justicar homosexual and homosapien is not the same thing.

Homosexual is quite a misused term, if you think about it.

Orthodox Jews are a threat to human economic freedom

Most or all sociologists are communists but not all communists are sociologists

"Black Cube (BC Strategy Ltd) is a private intelligence agency based in London, Tel Aviv and Madrid.[1][2] The company was founded in 2010[3] by former Israeli intelligence officers"

"In the past, it has supported Israel Defense Forces (IDF) activities.[6]"

"The firm also drew condemnation for covertly surveilling and assisting efforts to discredit women accusing Harvey Weinstein"

Cube of Saturn



Black Rock

Black Cube

"Tech Tribe presents Jews in Space - a multimedia exploration of Jewish life on the Red Planet"

"How will our traditions, values and observances transfer to a new planet? Most importantly, what lessons can Jews living in Brooklyn learn and apply to their lives?"

the Babylonian Talmud (Shabbat 156a) refers to Saturn as Shabbetai, i.e., the star of Shabbat (Saturday). Greek and Arab astrology, however, considered Saturn to be the most malignant of the seven planets; and thus the Jews, astrologically governed by Saturn, were considered to be contaminated by the planet’s wicked nature.

These Noahide organizations, led by religious Zionist and Orthodox Jewish rabbis, are aimed at non-Jews in order to proselytize among them and commit them to follow the Noahide laws.[37][38] According to Rachel Z. Feldman,[37]

Gwen Shamblin, a Tennessee church leader who took weight loss inspiration from those photos.

In a 2008 interview with CNN’s Larry King about her diet program, Shamblin, a petite woman with impressively tall blonde hair and a Tennessee drawl, referenced the camps: “How in the Holocaust did you have all these people getting down real skinny? They ate less food.”

Decided to take inspiration for a weight loss program from Holocaust photos

From Netanyahu's speech

Jews emerged from depths of hell

Too bad anyone who petitioned Universities by mail to give a honorary gender studies PhD for Turd Flinging Monkey would probably end up on a government watchlist

I've been on holiday for three years. Everyone is still doing alright. 🤷‍♂️

If I got my knowledge about Judaism certified by some institution would people take the so called anti-semitic things I say more seriously?

West Israel = US.
The US is not a country anymore, it's just a vassal. Although even calling the US Israel would be valid.

Intellectually Wiggerish Conspiricism with John Fashcroft
The Paranormies by Johnny, Reinhardt, Alt Skull, Hollis, Grognak, and Jack

Long time friend of the show John Fashcroft drops by to talk with Johnny and Jack. Topics range from space fakery around the world and the controlled disclosure of “UFO’s” to the astroturfed rise of antisemitism and the possibility of #110. Get /comfy/ and get the schizo out, this one was a lot of fun!

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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.