@mrhorsetwat @Tfmonkey @VooDooMedic

You put those pringles back you fat tub of lard


@southpole21 @37712 @Tfmonkey @VooDooMedic My dad brought me a bear from there, while he was on a business trip. Back before the bariatric surgery. He used to have a lot more fight in him.

@Tfmonkey @southpole21 @37712 @VooDooMedic A favorite russian passtime. The best part is when the bear finds some wild honey and will trade some honey for a homemade pirozhok. Or some beer, fuck, now I want beer.

@southpole21 @37712 @Tfmonkey @VooDooMedic Keep it in my office like Wojtec. Only a bear is strong enough to bring me 30 Big Macs at a time.

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