@Shadowman311 I wish someone in the U.S. gov knew something. Then that tragedy never would have happened
@11112011 In a way cuckedservatives are running the victim grift just like the woke left. 'See how wrong they did me? $upport me in my fight for justice' 😂
@Halo bedlam in belgium
@ForbiddenDreamer "jesus crucified, just before christmas"
@houseoftolstoy Good point. Also, Brazil is by far the biggest country in South America and the biggest power in the region. In a multipolar world, Brazil is a force.
@sardonicsmile aaaawwwwww yyeeeeeeaaaaahhhhhh
Times like these do not mean that people should give up on figuring out their finances because they think they do not have a chance, but rather that they now more than ever need to figure out how to manage their money.
This is not to say that this will fix the terrible polices of printing more and more money, but you should do all that you can to make your own situation better. I am also not blaming anyone for struggling at this time. But you should be looking out for your best interests.
@furgar this is my mask, there are many like it but this one is mine
@blitzdriver @spectre was their flag a rainbow?
@Omnissiah the future is femcel
@PinochetsCommieCopter down with the Jews, we’re the real Jews
@Tfmonkey ouch.
@rlier23 before: estrogen and soy
After: autism