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Yesterday's video compared to the last two. You can definitely tell what kind of content Youtube likes to hide.

Anyway, video tonight at 10pm UK time with a break tomorrow and a video on Sunday at 10pm UK time.
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Tiktok isn't deliberately showing different content to China and the West

On a quick look, the idea that China's version of #Tiktok ( #douyin ) is somehow far better than the Western one seems to be at least exaggerated. I only see typical dumb dance videos and cat videos like the Western version.
It appears Western #Zionist paid leaders are using the fact that the #algorithms gives you what you want as an excuse to push anticompetitive measures against #Bytedance while Western #Meta, #Microsoft, #Google and #Apple spies on our devices.

I don't get the kind of videos #LibsofTiktok shares on my For You page either. I get videos criticising #Trudeau and a few #Maga stuff, despite it being heavily censored.

#socialmedia #instagram

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Tags: article, race, whites, anti_white, charlottesville, hypocrisy, usa, america
Source: The booru is down for now
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You thought 's annoying anti-privacy ' ' protection that punishes users is bad? Check out these new assholes 😂.

The fight for privacy is definitely a loosing battle. Thanks Normies.

While the Deep State is distracting us all with their attempted murder of a presidential candidate, the tyrant censorious are trying to prevent from returning to Americans.

At least, the was removed or stepped down before burning the foundation to the ground.
Hopefully, the new guy is not woke trash. 🤷‍♂️

will for policies that destroy society because some so-called alt-right annon on offended them.
They use their to vote for as their number 1 issue. Economics, Society, etc be damned.
This is why it's necessary that we .

Owens has something of a different take on the George Floyd controversy and the nationwide protests that ensued from Floyd’s death. The police in general, and officer Derek Chauvin in particular, did nothing wrong during their arrest of Floyd who died of a drug overdose and not from being choked under Chauvin’s knee, she says.

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Had to repost. Of only Mastodon could edit posts like or

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Ended up with disorders inherited from zealots, aka parents.
Now their repulsive pandering kicks into full gear.
Because I needed one more reason to conclude either their absurd doesn't exist or it's a power hungry abusive piece of shit that shouldn't be worshipped.

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New video:

Decided to release it a day early because why not. Please share about and let's see if we can get it to 50 views both on YouTube and Rumble.

Rumble link:

Youtube link:
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Of course. The woke organisation that supposedly fights for #privacy won't even let you get their browser outside the #PlayStore
Good job @[email protected] . Even #Meta is doing a better job on this front.
#firefox #mozilla

The developers at @keybase are a bunch of fucktards.
Claiming to be a focused team making software for privacy focused users but then you shoot them in the back because you want popularity from idiot normies who don't even care what is 🤦‍♂️
Keep your stupid app assholes

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TV series: "24" (Season 3, Episode 20)

This episode demonstrates that the State gives no crap about you citizens.
The president and State officials had no issues killing an innocent citizen (the CTU agent) to comply with the terrorist's demand. But they suddenly grew some balls to "draw a line" when the terrorist demanded that they release the identities of traitors in other countries assisting the CIA in their agenda.  They literally valued non-citizen spies assisting the CIA over their own citizen

#tv #tvcommentary #jackbauer #entertainment #state #cia #militaryindustrialcomplex

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Would most adult heterosexual men say Blaire White was Pretty if no one informed them that Blaire White is transgender

They have to answer pretty or ugly

They did not hear or read that Blaire is transgender

Only shown the photos that Blaire thinks make Blaire look the most pretty

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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.