@ugly_bastard_reborned I'm 1 episode into angel cop and there's a bitch who saves a man and has better instincts, and survives a car crash when the man can't

I't may be anti commie but its DEFINITELY PRO women.

@basedbagel @ugly_bastard_reborned - I don't count anime, because it's escapism without pretense of being anything else.

If there were actual anime girls walking around... 5ft tall with 3 inch eyeballs, and heads like a sports mascot... 🤔 then

a). I'm all about it. And

b). They would clearly be an alien species, kinda like "the greys" in proportion, but much hotter and with fantastic tits... and who's to say the females wouldn't be overpowered?

@YoMomz @ugly_bastard_reborned While I see where you're coming from I respectfully disagree.

" it's escapism without pretense of being anything else. "

The japanese are well known for their attention to detail and alot of anime have much deeper meanings even though on the surface they may seem silly.

I would recommend watching the 1st 30m of angel cop and i promise you a feminist would LOVE this girl.

@basedbagel @YoMomz @ugly_bastard_reborned

Sometimes it's useful to do a hard reset and go back to original source materials.

Here's a classic example of what I mean:


You may know it as an anime but 40 years ago it was also an actual movie. All the things you know & love in anime are there: high school, the uniforms, the traditions, etc..

I like this film because it shows how real this stuff used to be not even that long ago.


@UncleIroh @basedbagel @YoMomz A lot of media from Japan in the 80s was inspired in the US media.

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