I'm conflicted on the legalization of prostitution so I I'd like you guys opinion on this.
One one hand I morally oppose it as I've met hoes personally and they're broken, chaotic people who noone should be paying $$.
On the other hand modern dating is prostitution with extra steps and modern marriage is WORST than prostitution.
@basedbagel - If I could wave a magic wand, I would do away with prostitution. But sadly, there is no magic wand.
Prostitution will always exist, and can never be extinguished. It's older than society itself.
So with that in mind, I would legalize it and regulate it. At the same time, I would take women's rights away. The prostitution workforce would be composed of otherwise unwanted women - women that no man would claim as theirs.
@Scubbie @YoMomz @basedbagel Marriage is just prostitution . Why don't legalize it .
@ugly_bastard_reborned @Scubbie @YoMomz
Correction: Marriage is WORST
When you get married she can turn off sex at anytime and if you try to fuck her anyway it's marital rape and you go to jail .
Wanna fuck someone else? Lose 1/2 your assets and pay tribute in almimony or child support.
Wanna fuck a prostitutute?
They now consider it human trafficking and lock up the man on a felony charge and let the woman go as she's a "victim"
At leat with a prostutiute you get sex and she LEAVES