@Tfmonkey The Iranian president helicopter had an emergency landing with the Iranian president in it.


@Indignation @Tfmonkey hey dud give me the latest, so is the president of iran OK or was he KO by the jews?

@37712 @Indignation no, he's dead. There is no proof currently available that Israel did it.

@Tfmonkey @37712 @Indignation Yeah well. The "no evidence" game has kind of run its course and cui bono is such an effective tool
@NEETzsche @37712 @Indignation @Tfmonkey >Iran shoots missles at Israel
>A Few Moments Later
>Iranian president is killed in "freak accident"

@Tfmonkey so they shoot the prime minister of Slovakia and now this. THEY REALLY WANT WW3

@Tfmonkey @37712 @Indignation Mossad/CIA/Space Lazer/Drone/Weather Manipulation Satellite/UFO Time Travel Agents/Spook Sniper/What truly happened may never be known

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