If you feel underappreciated at your job:

Remember recognizing top talent IS a talent.

Not enough people get this.


@basedbagel I think the best way to appreciate an employee is to give them compliments amongst their employees & giving them more money

Youre spot on bur sadly this doesn't happen enough due to:

Dark triad middle management
Over-promoted people with no talent

The entire incentive system of jobs are messed up. Ideally you should be rewarded for doing good work. Not for making your boss feel good

@basedbagel @AKEmon869 I hate how big companies only wants you to have entry lv pay but experiences and responsibility of senior lv👿

It's so fucking hard to keep good working employee with little extra investment?🤬

Most of the people would be loyal. But in todays day and age if you do not change workplace often or you do not create your own. You are the one losing in your career

Not even mentioning that big companies have so many middle managers and almost same structure as government

@Stahesh @basedbagel @AKEmon869 Its a woman thing. Its like a wife turning off the sex once she is married. She thinks her husband wont go anywhere just like the employees.

@mrhorsetwat @Stahesh @basedbagel @AKEmon869
I'm at a point in my life where if I work on a project with a female manager, I keep searching for a better paying new job because I know it's a matter of time.

@Zeb @mrhorsetwat @Stahesh @basedbagel @AKEmon869 Depends, if the manager is bubbly around and happy when she sees you, it means she is attracted to you. You can use it to your advantage to get perks in the short term. Otherwise, run.



> entry lv pay but experiences and responsibility of senior lv

Oh yes and you get a shocked Pikachu face when you ask for a raise

> if you do not change workplace often or you do not create your own. You are the one losing

Damn right! I realized when starting my biz companies do all this red tape ba to give people jobs, avoid liability and because they're too lazy/stubborn to change.

@basedbagel @Stahesh @AKEmon869
Look from the biz side:
The employee accepted the entry lvl job with all the senior lvl conditions. Why should they give a raise to an employee that's gonna keep doing the same job?

You're right about the red tape though, it's purely to avoid liability from the government when they get sued after the employee gets fired or leaves. They can't really change without getting sued, unless they stay small.

@Zeb @basedbagel @AKEmon869 This sound nice in theory but in practice where majority of companies offer same conditions you can't really choose.

This is problem caused by normies that are willing to work for these shitty conditions.

@Stahesh @basedbagel @AKEmon869
I'm of a different opinion. If you are one of us who are aware, can think logically and are able to perform good/complex work, you should always specialize in a difficult profitable job that is light on normies.

Let the normies take all those jobs, we shouldn't be hostage to a couple retarded companies. I get the appeal of an easy job though, you can either coast along or even hold two jobs at the same time.


@Stahesh @AKEmon869

My biggest beef with having a job is lack of control over your environment.

You could have a great job until:

The company gets a acquired/restructured
They hire some DEI bonehead
Some lazy fag doesn't like you and poisons the well

Your job is about as stable as a teenage girl with BPD

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