I know this may sound like I'm trolling but I'm dead serious.

Is it possible to be forced to give oral sex?

I saw a post on Reddit and ngl im kinda doubtful.

Couldn't you just bite his dick and run?

I remember I once zipped my dick after I pissed and I was immobilized for a good half hour so I would think that's long enough to escape.

@basedbagel If you can knock them out, you can force the victim to do anything. If they're fully conscious, then not really. But "forced" can also imply "coercion through force", meaning the victim accepted the demands because they were threatened with violence. And if they're up against a group, they can bite and then be punished twice as hard.

If we're talking about a woman, then all bets are off, "forced" could mean anything.

Good points.

I had a hard time believing it because she said

She was in a skintight dress
Flirted with the guy all night at a bar
Made out with him consensually
Agreed to get in his car alone

Then she said he grabbed her hair and forced her head down even after she said no.

She claimed she didn't want to hurt him to make him stop?

Idk for sure but seems kinda fishy to me 🤔

@basedbagel @Based_Accelerationist I've heard enough hashtag metoo stories from lying bitches to know that they always always always always use manipulative language to amplify their victim status.

>flirted and made out all night
>got a cock in her mouth
>kept on sucking with no threat of violence or death

It doesn't take Sherlock Holmes to figure out this bitch is fucking lying to be a victim.


>It doesn't take Sherlock Holmes to figure out this bitch is fucking lying to be a victim.

I thought so too!

That social proof on Reddit was so powerful it almost had me 2nd guessing myself.

I like to come on here and get a sanity ✅ every once in a while as I'm quite jaded



@basedbagel When you feel overwhelmed by a mob of NPCs, take a step back, channel the autism within and rethink the situation away from all the "noise".
Platforms like Reddit are tailormade to influence the consensus. Even the "right-wing" groups are manipulated to an extent.

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I wanted to do just that and decided to relax and watch some Rick and Morty.

The 1st 2 episodes had gay shit and bizarre degenerate references that reminded me of our current demonic shitshow and took me out of the experience.

To add insult to injury Justin Roiland was falsely accused of DV, dropped from 3 of his shows and even though charges were dropped where she still walks free..

You almost can't escape this shit!

@basedbagel @Based_Accelerationist

If they bite the person then blood may be shed in the mouth and maybe they can get STD just like if they went all the way so I do not see how it would be a great solution to avoid doing the thing if it puts at risk for the same problem

@basedbagel Yeah, I only watched the first 3 seasons, there's some nice episodes here and there, but expect some blue pill/gay/feminist moments occasionally.

I don't know much about Justin Roiland, but odds are, if he wasn't accused, he would just be another normie and part of the problem. Women walk away scot-free because men collectively enable them, America is the cancer and most American men are feminists until they're personally affected. Look at it as the price to pay for inaction.


Dude the 1st episode had multiple gay, bdsm, incest, rape innuendo.

Usually I wouldn't care but it was a bit in your face and it didn't really advance the plot so it seemed shoe horned in by you know who.

I agree with you about Justin it just shows you why Hollywood can't have nice things

@basedbagel It did? I barely remember watching the show. It was by no means based or anything, but compared to the alternatives, it wasn't too bad.


I enjoyed the premise of the show and the witty commentary but yeah dude there was A LOT of degenerate references going on.

As a video professional I know nothing goes into a final video accidentally.

Don't let anyone gaslight you otherwise

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