I just saw some retard claiming that population collapse isn't real and was gaslighting because according to census projections, white people are "right where they're supposed to be" after decades of below-replacement birth rates.

My Hebrew in Moloch, just because demographers have been WARNING about a population collapse for decades and their estimates are panning out doesn't mean there isn't a problem.

This is like in Dark Knight where "nobody panics as long as things go according to plan.

@Tfmonkey Population collapse is a joke. For one, the world population keeps increasing. And more importantly, the world is extremely overpopulated.
Even if you only count white people, there's only a demographic issue when compared to other races. No one's going extinct.

Let's be honest, it's not the race that requires so many people, it's these sick debt-based economies that need more and more worker ants to prop up the system.

Population collapse is the way to get out of the dystopia.

@Based_Accelerationist @Tfmonkey The world population is increasing because the Boomers haven’t died en masse yet. Give it 20 years you’ll see.


@Mr_Mister Oh you won't need to wait 20 years. It won't be boomers dying off that change anything, but the controlled collapse of the current world order.
All these people living on top of each other because there isn't enough space for them, rely on artificial and unhealthy systems to produce insane amounts of food that wouldn't be possible otherwise. Once they collapse, you'll see widespread famine. The world isn't made for so many people and here we are worrying about population collapse lol.

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