@Tfmonkey @shortstories @mrhorsetwat Anyone with that gay ass pikachu avatar should unironically kill themselves. :AllahuAkbar: :PikaShocked: :AllahuAkbar:

@ButtWorldsMan @Tfmonkey @shortstories @mrhorsetwat

I am actually saddened that we won't get to make fun of them. Why block them, its not like they can do anything to us

@mrhorsetwat @ButtWorldsMan @37712 @shortstories I enjoy playful racism as much as anyone, but let's not "let the n-words flow" just to be edgy.

@Tfmonkey @mrhorsetwat @37712 @shortstories Look, all I'm playfully (tee hee hee) suggesting is that aussie abos playfully get holocausted. I'm not even suggesting, I'm saying it'll be a good thing. Playfully.

@ButtWorldsMan @mrhorsetwat @37712 @shortstories abos aren't a race, they're a subspecies, thus it's not racism, it's something else. Specism?

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