@Tfmonkey hold on I need to up my trolling game one more level.

Look, she's even offering you a slice in the last one. Take it. Mmmmmmmmmmmm cheesy.

@ButtWorldsMan she's putting pizza in her ears. That's not where pizza goes, silly.

@Tfmonkey @ButtWorldsMan My waifu does this type of thing frequently. I'm often saying things like "stop sitting on the counter, that's where food goes," or "the cake batter goes in the pan, not on your arm"

@ButtWorldsMan not bad, but the art style doesn't do it for me. It looks like a DreamWorks movie.

@Tfmonkey @ButtWorldsMan I like the "crispness" of the image. Even the backgrounds are nicely detailed but you can still see distance/depth in the optics of the image. Even the light reflects on the hair and shadows can be seen.

@ButtWorldsMan @Tfmonkey This one looks more like Mila Kunis than Celestina, but it could be a "Pouty" edition of Celestina

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