Breaking news updates from live TFM show: @Tfmonkey now doubts the holocaust. He is now pressing X to doubt.
@Tfmonkey More updates from the show.
@VooDooMedic is currently trying to be the show's resident jew hating white nationalist, and his daddy keeps slapping him around trying to drag him back to reality.
Hey @DoubleD as I expected our worries were exaggerated. Tifum won't be going full retard any time soon.
@Tfmonkey @VooDooMedic Hey @DoubleD Voodoo's dad is now regurgitating what I was saying to voodoo earlier today.
Which was basically regurgitating what TFM said a while ago anyway. He won't learn, but dad has his pimp hand ready at all times.
@Tfmonkey @VooDooMedic @DoubleD we're 2.5 hours into the show, TFM is still tard wrangling voodoo who is desperate to shit on jews at every opportunity but is slowly being deflated.
@VooDooMedic cute meme. 4chan provides again. It's okay. Dad will slap you as many times as needed.