
My cynical/realist interpretation of what's happening: Musk is not at the same point he was before when he rejected bringing Jones back. He's chosen not to completely cave to the regime to bring back ads, so giving the impression of replatforming Jones is good optics, & he's in an optics war. He needs the people's support, so he can't be as negative against Jones as he used to be. Everything he does is out of self-interest (with some whimsy), not for the greater good. This could be interesting.


The 10-D chess you imagine going on is really not that complicated.


I'm looking forward to the MadLad getting back in the game. Should be a fun ride.

It's a dangerous move: Alex Jones knows exactly who and what the pedojooz are. I don't think Musk is ready for this fight yet

@Zeb @ButtWorldsMan

What if Elon Musk was never the real name of a real person

What if Elon Musk is a fictional character written by script writers working on the same team as the owners of the media outlets and social media networks

We already know at least part of the moon landing was simulated and at least some of the footage inside the space station uses computer generated images

Why would Lone Skum who is in charge of space x or space sex be anything but a space liar?

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