
Women fell for the dex vs strength meme

The "champ" is about 5 foot tall btw.

@ButtWorldsMan The exceptions (though I am not sure this is one) prove the rule. Why is she showing her legs off anyway? Why is she not covered in a long skirt? Where is her husband and children?

@ButtWorldsMan she looks extremely average for me. The best move she can do against a man is to kick him in the balls and run or hit him in the neck and run. Both of those scenarios depend on the fact that by the time the man gets back up she will be so far away that the man won't consider running after her worth the effort.

@ButtWorldsMan Would most martial artists have more skills than a gorilla? Certainly. But there is no amount of skill that can overcome someone who outright overpowers you.

Pic very much related.

@houseoftolstoy @ButtWorldsMan
It will be quite a shock when women figure out there are no invincibility frames irl

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