
Pedowood/entertainment industry really do be like that.

Note this is just what was recorded publicly.

@ButtWorldsMan bro got probably gang raped in private by jewish men and woman

@37712 @ButtWorldsMan
Not only jewish pedos but niggas too. Puffy Daddy hit Bieber's ass many times and passed him around to his gay producers friends.

The unbridled power these people were allowed to wield for god knows how long is finally going to see some kind of attention.

@fal1026 @ButtWorldsMan @BHG

Agreed. The pedowood structure is falling apart fast. When it's too weak to censor, threaten and gaslight everyone under their control, no amount of NDAs is going to stop the flood of insider stories coming out.

I'm talking real Eyes Wide Shut fuckery at the highest levels.

@ButtWorldsMan Any parent who wants their child to be in any entertainment industry should be asked if they are willing to have their children violated for them to be a star. Because that is exactly what will happen to them, and any parent who says yes to this deal deserves a woodchipper treatment.

We were sold a whole lot of lies with the "child star suddenly goes crazy when they become an adult but we don't know why" story. Is it any wonder why so many of them messed up in the head?


Beiber was also “raised” by a single mother. They groom their boys to be preyed on.

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