Everything about the current state of the modern workplace disgusts me.

I hate how employers lie about any and everything and are so terrified of any liability they refuse to give any honest feedback.

I also can't stand lazy, weenie employees who bitch and sue at the slightest provocation.

I NEED my biz to take off because idk how much more I can take.

@basedbagel SAME

I hate many things.

Especially how the employers give only benefit is pay but everything is used to abuse workers.

I was in large Eshop company where in span of almost 3 years everything was worse for normal worker where your job become harder for no reason.

How normal workers must be more efficient so they are constantly controled so you will not take second for deep breath. Because how dare you stop for few seconds.


@Stahesh @basedbagel I know that pain. It's always "go go go", and you think, "Surely they can't make us work harder. People will quit."

They do it anyway, and people quit only to be replaced by incompetents meaning you get even more work to make up for their lack of skills.

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