
Everything about the current state of the modern workplace disgusts me.

I hate how employers lie about any and everything and are so terrified of any liability they refuse to give any honest feedback.

I also can't stand lazy, weenie employees who bitch and sue at the slightest provocation.

I NEED my biz to take off because idk how much more I can take.

@basedbagel SAME

I hate many things.

Especially how the employers give only benefit is pay but everything is used to abuse workers.

I was in large Eshop company where in span of almost 3 years everything was worse for normal worker where your job become harder for no reason.

How normal workers must be more efficient so they are constantly controled so you will not take second for deep breath. Because how dare you stop for few seconds.

@basedbagel Another thing is now there are mostly mid to large companies that do not care for loyal employees but profit.

with many jobs require licenses or special training or something

When before you only needed firm handshake to get in

Because how dare. How you can do job without license or years of experiences?

Thee jobs you can easilly enter are with high turnover

Now we really have pretty bad work culture

For example someting I read on antiwork reddit

Hit the nail on the head! @Stahesh

I said it before and I'll say it again.

I had an easier time setting a business than getting a job.

Albeit the income was less stable, but that should NEVER be the case.

@basedbagel @Stahesh You didn't need a stable income cause you grown aleast half of you calories need in your backyard but there were it comes The open prison name cities.

@Stahesh @basedbagel
There is only one viable solution: stop accepting these shitty jobs. There's nothing else you can do. Today you can be a plumber in a small town and you gonna have a much better quality of life and, due to taxes/cost of living, probably a higher net pay than anyone living in the kill zones (cities).

@Stahesh @basedbagel I know that pain. It's always "go go go", and you think, "Surely they can't make us work harder. People will quit."

They do it anyway, and people quit only to be replaced by incompetents meaning you get even more work to make up for their lack of skills.

@basedbagel Just like the government corruption & incompetence, it's everywhere.


Bullshit Jobs: A Theory is a 2018 book by anthropologist David Graeber that postulates the existence of meaningless jobs and analyzes their societal harm

A bullshit job or pseudowork[1] is meaningless or unnecessary wage labour which the worker is obliged to pretend to have a purpose.[2] Polling in the United Kingdom and the Netherlands indicates that around 40% of workers consider their job to fit this description.[3]


Corporate welfare is real

Corporations that push government policies and propaganda get more government welfare

Corporations that do not follow government policies get shut down by the government

Microsoft & apple gets welfare if tax funded university buy microsoft & apole computers

UPS & Federal express get welfare if contracted to sort givernment mail & packages

Companies get welfare to make military weapons

Facebook gets advertisement welfare for government bureau ads


Because of corporate welfare corporations will push LGTQP Trans Rights, Women's rights, Mentally Ill Disabled people's rights

They hire lots of mentally ill employees and government organizations pay the corporations money to hire disabled people but the corporations do not have to pay money to the employees for a certain number of days in some cases

These employees are free labor and some of them are mentally ill

They lower efficiency, make customer service worse, & unsafe work


The government gives mentally ill people the amount of money the employer would pay someone who is not disabled to do the same job at taxpayer's expense and the corporation pays nothing for a certain number of days and can fire them without paying any money when those days are up if they can find they did something in violation of policy


You should look into "national anarchism"

National Anarchists often include post left anarchist philosophy

Post left anarchy is sometimes anti work anarchy which is fundamentally different than the pro work at gunpoint left "marxist" "communist" philosophies


Jobs = a lot of make-work, with incompetent managers created by too many regulations.

@basedbagel I used to dislike people who were just looking for an excuse to sue. But I learned, the hard way, that this is the only leverage an employee has in the workplace.

It doesn't improve relations, I'm not claiming that, but the fact is that whether or not people do this, employers are out to fuck employees over anyway.

You might as well take notes like Justice Kavanaugh did, and when your notes spell lawsuit, collect your payday.


>that this is the only leverage an employee has in the workplace

Sadly I agree. I feel the same way about regulatory bodies. I thought they were useless bureaucratic institutions that kept things expensive.

Then one day I needed to use them and they were my only recourse.

It's sad moral decay has come to such a point where the only way to make any reasonable change is to threaten loss of money.

> You might as well take notes like Justice Kavanaugh

What do you mean by this?

@basedbagel Kavanaugh wrote down everything that happened in his life, even if he didn't think it was unusual. That's what covered his ass.

I'm saying to write down EVERYTHING that happens in the workplace, everything everyone said, dates and times, location, etc. Things you didn't think were suspicious at the time will come together into a pattern after the fact, supporting your lawsuit.

Consulting firms make their folks do this as company policy. Every employee should do this, too.


Ah I see.

Lucky for me I work remote so everything I do is logged already.

One of the benefits of being born in the age of surveillance

@basedbagel You record all your calls and screenshot all your chats? The company's records are not your records.


No need. You can't sexually harass someone that isn't physically there lol.

One of the beauties of working remote is I don't have to worry about that bullshit

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